Using the SAMR model to reflect on your habits of educational technology integration

Recently I’ve been involved with studying the concept of technology integration in an educational setting and what qualifies as being distinguished, proficient, or needs improvement in regards to how and which technologies are used.  That is where the conversation started.  Where did the conversation come from?  Well some felt that simply using a projector wasContinue reading “Using the SAMR model to reflect on your habits of educational technology integration”

It’s about the course goals and objectives, not the technology

As an instructional technology integration specialist, it is expected that my focus always be about the technology.  Many requests come in from leaders and instructors asking for advice, guidance, and instruction on how to use specific technologies for student learning.  I say, this is the wrong question to start with.  Focusing on “using” technology canContinue reading “It’s about the course goals and objectives, not the technology”